
Avicularia purpurea

Avicularia purpurea (Purple Pinktoe Tarantula)

The Avicularia purpurea, commonly known as the “Purple Pinktoe Tarantula,” is a striking species native to Ecuador. It is well-known for its iridescent purple sheen, which covers its entire body and legs, making it a favorite among hobbyists. Like other members of the genus, it is arboreal and prefers a humid, forested environment.

🕷️ Scientific NameAvicularia purpurea
🌍 OriginEcuador
📏 Size11 – 14 cm
🎨 ColorIridescent purple
🌳 HabitatRainforest, arboreal
📑 GenusAvicularia

🍽️ Diet:
Feeds on a variety of insects such as crickets, moths, and roaches. It may also prey on small vertebrates like frogs or small lizards.

🛡️ Behavior:
The Purple Pinktoe Tarantula is known for its calm and docile nature, but it can be quick and agile. It prefers to avoid confrontation by jumping or escaping into its webbed retreat rather than flicking hairs or biting.

🔍 Particularities:
This species is highly prized for its stunning purple coloration. Like other arboreal tarantulas, it requires a vertically oriented enclosure with good ventilation and high humidity to thrive. Its beauty and relatively easy care make it a popular choice among both beginners and experienced tarantula keepers.

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