
Avicularia variegata

Avicularia variegata

The Avicularia variegata is a species native to the tropical rainforests of South America, particularly in countries like Peru and Brazil. It is known for its distinctive pattern and coloration, featuring light and dark patches along its body and legs, giving it a “variegated” appearance.

Avicularia juruensisAvicularia juruensis
🕷️ Scientific NameAvicularia variegata
🌍 OriginBrazil, Peru
📏 Size12 – 14 cm
🎨 ColorDark body with light and dark patches
🌳 HabitatRainforest, arboreal
📑 GenusAvicularia

🍽️ Diet:
Feeds on insects such as crickets, roaches, and moths. It may also occasionally hunt small reptiles or amphibians in its natural habitat.

Avicularia taunayiAvicularia taunayi

🛡️ Behavior:
Typically calm and non-aggressive, Avicularia variegata prefers to retreat into its webbed shelters when threatened. It is arboreal and spends most of its time in the upper layers of trees.

Avicularia hirschiiAvicularia hirschii

🔍 Particularities:
This species is appreciated for its unique color patterns and gentle temperament. Like other Avicularia species, it requires a vertically oriented enclosure with good humidity and airflow to thrive in captivity.

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