
Avicularia juruensis

Avicularia juruensis (Yellow-banded Pinktoe)

The Avicularia juruensis, commonly known as the “Yellow-banded Pinktoe,” is a visually stunning species with yellow bands on its legs and a dark, iridescent body. It is native to the Amazon basin and is known for its arboreal lifestyle.

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🕷️ Scientific NameAvicularia juruensis
🌍 OriginBrazil, Peru
📏 Size12 – 15 cm
🎨 ColorDark body with yellow leg bands
🌳 HabitatRainforest, arboreal
📑 GenusAvicularia

🍽️ Diet:
Feeds on insects like crickets, cockroaches, and moths. Occasionally preys on small vertebrates such as frogs or geckos.

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🛡️ Behavior:
Known for being docile but active, this species prefers to jump or flee when disturbed. It spends most of its time weaving intricate webs in tree branches.

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🔍 Particularities:
The yellow-banded legs and vibrant coloration make this species a favorite among hobbyists. Its easy care requirements and calm nature make it a great choice for both beginners and experienced keepers.

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