
Aphonopelma eutylenum

Aphonopelma eutylenum (California Ebony Tarantula)

The Aphonopelma eutylenum, also known as the “California Ebony Tarantula,” is native to the coastal regions of California. It is characterized by its shiny, dark brown to black exoskeleton, which gives it a sleek, ebony appearance.

🕷️ Scientific NameAphonopelma eutylenum
🌍 OriginUnited States (California)
📏 Size12 – 14 cm
🎨 ColorDark brown to black
📑 GenusAphonopelma

🍽️ Diet:
Feeds on a diet of insects such as crickets, beetles, and grasshoppers. Occasionally preys on small vertebrates.

🛡️ Behavior:
Known for its calm and docile nature, the California Ebony Tarantula is often recommended for beginners. It is rarely aggressive and prefers to retreat rather than confront.

🔍 Particularities:
This species’ glossy, dark appearance and calm behavior make it a popular pet tarantula, especially in its native state of California.

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