
Aphonopelma steindachneri

Aphonopelma steindachneri (Steindachner’s Ebony Tarantula)

The Aphonopelma steindachneri, also known as “Steindachner’s Ebony Tarantula,” is a species native to Mexico and the southwestern United States. It is characterized by its dark brown to black coloration and large size, making it an imposing species in appearance.

Aphonopelma superstitionenseAphonopelma superstitionense
🕷️ Scientific NameAphonopelma steindachneri
🌍 OriginUnited States, Mexico
📏 Size12 – 15 cm
🎨 ColorDark brown to black
📑 GenusAphonopelma

🍽️ Diet:
Feeds on a variety of insects such as crickets, roaches, and beetles. Occasionally, it may prey on small mammals and other vertebrates when available.

Aphonopelma truncatum

🛡️ Behavior:
This species is generally calm but can be defensive when threatened. It flicks urticating hairs as a primary defense and may retreat into its burrow to avoid confrontation.

Aphonopelma vorhiesiAphonopelma vorhiesi

🔍 Particularities:
The Steindachner’s Ebony Tarantula is valued for its large size and attractive coloration, making it an interesting species for advanced collectors.

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