
Acanthoscurria belterrensis

Acanthoscurria belterrensis

Acanthoscurria belterrensis is a tarantula native to the forested and humid areas of Brazil. It prefers tropical climates, where it can dig burrows for shelter. This species is known for its robust appearance and its ability to defend itself using urticating hairs.

🕷️ Scientific NameAcanthoscurria belterrensis
🌍 OriginBrazil
📏 Size14 – 16 cm
🎨 ColorDark brown with reddish tones

🍽️ Diet:
Mainly insectivorous, it feeds on crickets, cockroaches, worms and other insects. In its natural habitat, it can also catch small vertebrates, such as lizards.

🛡️ Behavior:
It is a semi-aggressive, defensive and territorial species. When it feels threatened, it tends to launch stinging hairs from its abdomen as a defense mechanism.

🔍 Particularities:
The name of this species refers to the Belterra region in Brazil, where it was first discovered.

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