
Acanthoscurria gomesiana

Acanthoscurria gomesiana

Acanthoscurria gomesiana is a species of tarantula found in tropical environments in Brazil. It prefers areas with dense vegetation and moist soils for burrowing.

Acanthopelma beccariiAcanthopelma beccarii
🕷️ Scientific NameAcanthoscurria gomesiana
🌍 OriginBrazil
📏 Size15 – 17 cm
🎨 ColorDark brown, almost black

🍽️ Diet:
It feeds on large insects such as crickets and cockroaches and occasionally small vertebrates.

Acanthopelma rufescens

🛡️ Behavior:
Although it is defensive, it is considered less aggressive compared to other species of the genus. It prefers to flee rather than attack, but will use its stinging hairs if necessary.

Acanthoscurria insubtilis

🔍 Particularities:
It is less common in the pet trade, but appreciated by those looking for a large tarantula with a calmer demeanor.

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