
Bumba rondonia

Bumba rondonia

The Bumba rondonia is a terrestrial tarantula found in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. It has a dark brown body with slight leg striping and is known for its burrowing behavior in tropical forests.

Bumba tapajosBumba tapajos
🕷️ Scientific NameBumba rondonia
🌍 OriginBrazil (Rondônia)
📏 Size12 – 14 cm
🎨 ColorDark brown with leg striping
🌳 HabitatTropical forest, terrestrial
📑 GenusBumba

🍽️ Diet:
Feeds on small insects like crickets and beetles. It may also prey on small vertebrates like frogs or lizards.

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🛡️ Behavior:
This species is typically shy and prefers to avoid confrontation. It will retreat into its burrow when disturbed but may flick urticating hairs if threatened.

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🔍 Particularities:
Bumba rondonia is popular for its adaptability to both dry and humid conditions, making it a versatile species for tarantula collectors.

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