
Bonnetina tanzeri

Bonnetina tanzeri

Bonnetina tanzeri is a species with a dark brown body and contrasting light leg markings. It is native to Mexico and is typically found in dry, forested areas. It is a terrestrial species that prefers to burrow.

🕷️ Scientific NameBonnetina tanzeri
🌍 OriginMexico
📏 Size10 – 13 cm
🎨 ColorDark brown with light leg markings
🌳 HabitatTerrestrial, forested areas
📑 GenusBonnetina

🍽️ Diet:
Feeds on insects such as crickets and beetles.

🛡️ Behavior:
This species is known to be shy and prefers to hide in burrows or under rocks.

🔍 Particularities:
Bonnetina tanzeri is sought after for its unique leg markings and calm nature, making it a great addition to collections.

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