
Bonnetina aviae

Bonnetina aviae

The Bonnetina aviae is a species native to Mexico. It is known for its subtle iridescent coloration and is commonly found in forested areas. This species is still relatively new to the hobby but is appreciated for its calm nature and adaptability.

🕷️ Scientific NameBonnetina aviae
🌍 OriginMexico
📏 Size10 – 12 cm
🎨 ColorBrownish with iridescent sheen
🌳 HabitatTerrestrial, forested areas
📑 GenusBonnetina

🍽️ Diet:
Feeds on crickets, roaches, and beetles.

🛡️ Behavior:
Known for being docile and calm, this species tends to avoid confrontation and prefers hiding in burrows.

🔍 Particularities:
Bonnetina aviae is appreciated for its subtle coloration and calm behavior, making it suitable for beginner tarantula keepers.

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