
Antikuna sapallanga

Antikuna sapallanga

The Antikuna sapallanga is known for its dark brown coloration and moderate size. It inhabits the mountainous areas of Peru, where temperatures vary greatly between day and night.

Antikuna urayrumi
🕷️ Scientific NameAntiques alone
🌍 OriginPeru
📏 Size12 – 15 cm
🎨 ColorDark brown

🍽️ Diet:
It feeds on large insects such as crickets and cockroaches. In its natural habitat, it also hunts small rodents and other vertebrates if it has the opportunity.

Antikuna valladaresi

🛡️ Behavior:
Generally defensive, but not extremely aggressive. It usually takes refuge in crevices or burrows when disturbed.

Antillena rickwestiAntillena rickwesti

🔍 Particularities:
Its ability to adapt to cold temperatures makes it an interesting species to study physiological adaptations in tarantulas.

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