
Amazonius elenae

Amazonius elenae (Ecuadorian Orange Tarantula)

The Amazonius elenae , also known as the “Ecuadorian Orange Tarantula”, is native to Ecuador and is notable for its bright orange coloration.

Amazonius germani
🕷️ Scientific NameAmazonius elenae
🌍 OriginEcuador
📏 Size10 – 13 cm
🎨 ColorBright orange

🍽️ Diet:
Insects such as crickets, cockroaches, and other small invertebrates.

Amazonius giovaninii

🛡️ Behavior:
Defensive; uses stinging hairs as a defense mechanism.

Annandaliella ernakulamensis

🔍 Features:
Its bright orange color makes it one of the most striking species of the genus.

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