
Amazonius burgessi

Amazonius burgessi (Ghost Tree Spider)

The Amazonius burgessi , known as the “Ghost Tree Spider”, is an arboreal tarantula that lives in the forests of the Amazon. It is known for its grayish coloration and agile behavior.

Amazonius elenae
🕷️ Scientific NameAmazonius burgessi
🌍 OriginPeru, Brazil
📏 Size10 – 12 cm
🎨 ColorPale grey to white

🍽️ Diet:
Mainly flying insects and other invertebrates found in trees.

Amazonius germani

🛡️ Behavior:
Agile and fast, with a tendency to flee rather than confront, although it can bite if cornered.

Amazonius giovaninii

🔍 Particularities:
Its pale color and arboreal nature make it unique among the tarantulas of the Amazon region.

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