


    2 weeks ago

    Cómo ha evolucionado el veneno de las tarántulas a lo largo del tiempo

    El veneno de las tarántulas ha cambiado mucho con el tiempo. Se ha adaptado a las presiones selectivas y a…
    2 weeks ago

    Cómo utilizan las tarántulas su veneno en peleas con otros de su especie

    Las tarántulas son criaturas fascinantes. Han desarrollado una estrategia única para sobrevivir. Usan su poderoso veneno para capturar presas y…
    2 weeks ago

    Avances de creación de veneno sintético basado en el de tarántula para aplicaciones biotecnológicas

    El veneno de tarántula es muy interesante para la biotecnología. Tiene propiedades únicas y compuestos químicos especiales. Ahora, los científicos…
    2 weeks ago

    Métodos para recolectar, almacenar y conservar el veneno de tarántula para su estudio

    Es clave recolectar, almacenar y conservar bien el veneno de tarántula. Esto es para su investigación científica. Hay que seguir…
    2 weeks ago

    Diferencias en la composición y uso del veneno entre tarántulas cavadoras y arborícolas

    Las tarántulas son fascinantes y han atraído a científicos y entusiastas. Hay dos tipos principales: las tarántulas cavadoras y las…



    • Bonnetina julesvernei

      Bonnetina julesvernei Named after the famous author Jules Verne, the Bonnetina julesvernei…

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      Bonnetina vittata The Bonnetina vittata is characterized by its dark body with…

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      Bonnetina malinalli The Bonnetina malinalli is a terrestrial species from Mexico, known…

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      Bonnetina tenuiverpis The Bonnetina tenuiverpis is a small to medium-sized tarantula with…

    • Bonnetina tanzeri

      Bonnetina tanzeri Bonnetina tanzeri is a species with a dark brown body…

    • Bonnetina papalutlensis

      Bonnetina papalutlensis (Papalutla Tarantula) The Bonnetina papalutlensis, or “Papalutla Tarantula,” is native…

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      Bonnetina unam The Bonnetina unam is a species with a dark body…

    • Bonnetina tindoo

      Bonnetina tindoo The Bonnetina tindoo is native to Mexico and is known…

    Welcome to TarantulasWild.com: Your Ultimate Guide to Tarantulas

    Dive into the fascinating world of tarantulas with us! At TarantulasWild.com, we are passionate about these impressive arachnids and are here to help you better understand these unique creatures. Whether you’re a beginner, an experienced keeper, or someone just starting their journey with tarantulas, you’ll find valuable information and practical advice to ensure your experience is a success.

    What will you find on TarantulasWild.com?

    • Care Guides: From beginners to experts, our care guides provide tips on how to feed, house, and keep your tarantulas healthy. Learn about the importance of temperature, humidity, and the right substrate for each species.
    • Tarantulas Species: Get to know different tarantula species in-depth, their unique characteristics, and behaviors. Discover which one is the best fit for you and how to care for each species properly.
    • First Aid and Emergency Handling: Learn how to identify signs of illness or stress in your tarantulas and provide the proper first aid. Our emergency handling section is essential for keeping your tarantulas safe and healthy.
    • Community and Expert Tips: Join our community of tarantula enthusiasts to share experiences, get your questions answered, and receive advice from experts in tarantula care.

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